Ahh, another magical year of Max's Minis Sunflower Sessions is in the books! This year marked the 5th annual sessions, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to share the experience with so many lovely families. Taking place in late August, these sessions aren’t just about the breathtaking sunflower fields; they’re about heart, memory, and giving back. So, why Max's Minis? Well, it's a tradition rooted in love and remembrance.

Each year, the golden blooms of the sunflower field remind us of Miracle Max—the brave soul who inspired this tradition, and the reason behind our continued efforts to raise funds for Miracle Max’s Minions. Every session, $20 is donated to this incredible cause, helping to keep Max’s legacy alive. The beautiful sunflowers are planted in his memory, and the field, bathed in golden light, becomes a beacon of hope. If you haven’t signed up yet, join our waitlist for next year’s sessions to get first dibs on spots when they’re announced!

This year, we had 5 amazing families come out to create some unforgettable memories with BMann Studios.

Ruby & Enos

First up, Ruby and Enos brought their adorable family out to the sunflower fields. I had the pleasure of shooting their wedding back in 2022, and now with their handsome little guy, Ethan, they’ve started what I hope will be a new family tradition! There’s something so special about seeing my past couples return, now with their kiddos in tow.

Melanie & Family

Next, Melanie and her crew joined us for their 3rd year at Max’s Minis. Let me tell you, watching kids grow year after year is truly one of my favourite parts of this job. Melanie’s son, Nate, never fails to surprise me—this year, his obsession with the field’s rocks was too cute. He was picking up every rock he could find and stuffing them into his pockets like little treasures. It’s moments like these that make each session unique, and Nate definitely brought the energy and excitement!

Kelly & Family

Kelly and her family have been with me for 5 years (well, we missed one, but who's counting?). I’ve had the privilege of watching her kids grow up, and I even included a shot from each year to show just how much they've changed. This year, little Mr. Dax was not feeling the camera. We weren’t sure we’d get any smiles from him, but thanks to his big sister’s ability to crack him up, we ended up capturing some pretty incredible shots. Sometimes, it’s the candid moments that make the best photos!

Taylor & Family

Taylor’s family is another one that’s been coming to our sessions for years. Honestly, watching kids grow year to year is always great, but I have to give a shoutout to Dad—he’s looking amazing too! Their baby boy has grown so much, and with another on the way (yes, Taylor is rocking that baby bump!), this family of 3 is about to become a family of 4. I can’t wait to see their little one and continue documenting this beautiful journey.

Tabitha & Family

Rounding out this year’s sessions was Tabitha’s family. They’ve been coming out to Max’s Minis for four years, although the first two were at another sunflower field for a different cause in Chatham. That field no longer does flowers, so they’ve made the trek to Forest to keep the tradition alive. The first year I met them, they were a family of 4 with a secret—Tabitha was pregnant but hadn’t announced it yet! Watching their youngest grow up in front of my lens has been such a joy, and these three kids always have a blast during our sessions. I’m so grateful for families like theirs that come back year after year.

Sunflower sessions are some of my absolute favourite sessions to shoot. There’s something so special about returning to the same field each year, with the sunflowers as a consistent backdrop, while everything else changes—kids grow, families expand, and love deepens. These photos capture those changes in the most beautiful way. I’m already looking forward to next year’s Max's Minis and continuing this heartfelt tradition.

If you’re interested in creating your own golden memories, make sure to sign up for the waitlist and be first in line for next year’s Max’s Minis Sunflower Sessions. I can’t wait to see what next year has in store!